Kunci Jawaban Soal Snmptn 2011 IPS Part 2

>> Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Chairman of the committee SNMPTN University Eleven March (UNS) Surakarta, Sutarno, said the participant to answer a number of problems with using a cell phone. "Our records, he sent a reply at 10:44 o'clock," said Sutarno, Wednesday, June 1, 2011. The committee then caught the sender immediately confiscate HP answers.

Sutarno not sure if the sender's answer is the jockey. The reason, the recipient is the answer to that one school classmates with the sender. "So, maybe they just contek each other," he said.

Download Answer Keys of IPS Snmptn 2011 - All Regional Part 2

Answer Key of IPS Snmptn 2011 Code 955
Answer Key of IPS Snmptn 2011 Code 972
Answer Key of IPS Snmptn 2011 Code 976
Answer Key of IPS Snmptn 2011 Code 993
Answer Key of IPS Snmptn 2011 Code 995

When the committee examined, the participant claimed to bring the HP because it does not take hours as the clock. According to him, the sender tries to send a reply answer to Question # 16-35 for a test field of study Social Sciences.

Because no provision of sanctions for participants who get caught giving answers to the other participants, then the violation is merely noted. Imposition of sanctions handed over to the central committee in Jakarta.

Exam SNMPTN in Surakarta followed 17,389 people. In the first test day yesterday, there were 530 people who did not attend.

A total of 12 participants of the National Selection Entrance State University (SNMPTN) University of Hasanuddin (Hasanuddin University) Unhas rectorate secured party, on Wednesday (05/01/2011) afternoon.

they secured for getting caught using the time to take the test answer key. From their hands secured eight mobile phones and a number of key answers.

The 12 examinees were drawn from various test locations. Of the SMP 6 found Dirmansyah and Surahma. While the Faculty Matimateka and science of natural pengetahuam Unhas found Ardianto, Riza Riski, and Hamdriani Lesmana.

From SMA Kartika Makassar found Sulfahmi and Armin. From the Faculty of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Unhas found Azwar Akmal M, Adil Zubhi Akbar, and Fahmi. While the Faculty of Hasanuddin University Politehnik found Masdar and Hardianti.

According to the Vice Rector III, together with the Head of Public Relations Nasaruddin Salam Rectorate Unhas Dahlan met Abu Bakr journalist, one among the 12 examinees who secured the rector on behalf of Masdar, is also involved in cases of fraud that included biographical data information that he is a graduate of 2011 when in fact Masdar is a force of 2006.

"But they all were victims of fraud who buy answer keys are not in accordance with the existing problems," said Nasaruddin.

Of the 12 participants exam information, they get the answer in various ways, some through a short message adapula through the sheet that had brought them from home. "Some even claim to buy the answer key in the amount of USD 4 million," said Dahlan.

Masdar was found after inspectors found Hadrianti exam to receive answers from the Masdar is a graduate of high school Madrasah Pinrang country in 2006.

Dahlan also explained that they were found cheating after the officers found signs of suspicious when they take exams.

"Even when their own mobile phone we have confiscated, there is still a short message into one of the mobile phone one of the examinees who requested the answer," said Dahlan.

After review, by the rector Unhas and police, they were then herded into Mapolrestabes Makassar.

According to the Head of Criminal Police Resort Makassar, AKBP Hima Sugeha, it will examine the 12 participants examinations.

He also added that police were still investigating the origin of the answers that they use which is considered as a key answer.

Hima also explained that the -12 participant is the victim not the perpetrator. Meanwhile, Masdar is also not a faker diploma but only enter false data but the original diplomas.

"We have confirmed the committee and no incriminating them," said Hima. The examinees are still checked in Polrestabes Makassar to know the origin of the answer key they use.

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